Quick FAQs
Do not hesitate to contact us for any other questions that you have.

Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions
Here’s how it works.
For every dollar generated in revenue when you buy a product or service through Shop 2 Save.
- We deposit 45% in your e-wallet account.
- You’ll receive an additional5%, when anyone that you referred, buys any product or service and
- Shop 2 Save, will donate 5% to Children’s Hospitals in Canada
Not like other programs that require you to have a minimum balance of such as $5.01 in order to get your Cash Back.
With Shop 2 Save you can create your Amazon coupon (promo code), with any amount you wish with no minimum requirement.
Here is the link to Amazon official page with the information on shipping & duty.
If you shop on a US store through shop2saveonline.com, exchange rate fluctuations come into effect between the US and Canadian currencies.
As a result, you may receive less (or more!) Cash Back that you may have expected in your e-wallet.
If this happens to you, please let support@shop2saveonline.com, know and we will make it right.
If you shop on a US store through shop2saveonline.com, exchange rate fluctuations come into effect between the US and Canadian currencies.
We also understand that conversion rates can be tricky when it comes to getting your hard-earned Cash Back.
Here are some important things to keep in mind;
- All Cash Back amounts are listed and paid to you in $CAD.
- For merchants where you are paying with Canadian currency, your order and Cash Back will be displayed and paid in $CAD
- For merchants where you are paying with US currency, we use the currency conversion rate from your date of purchase to calculate your Cash Back in $CAD.
- Here is a link so you can easily convert USD to CDN (on the date of your purchase).
We want to pay all the Cash Back that you are entitled to, however on rare occasions we may encounter a problem.
If you believe there is a problem tracking your Cash Back, you can contact support@shop2saveonline.com, for prompt action and resolution.
- Log-in and go to your wallet
- Select your wallet in your dashboard page
- Click on create Amazon Coupon
- Type in the amount of money you wish to take from your wallet balance
- Click Add
- Your coupon is instantly generated with a “promo code” that you’ll need to use when you check out in Amazon.
- Just enter your “promo code” in the Promo box(field) provided to you by Amazon on check out.
- This gives you your instant discount.
For your convenience the promo code coupon will also be sent to your email, so you’ll have a record of it in case you forget it, or in case you wish to use it at another date and time.
Yes! You can refer friends, and each time they buy you’ll get additional Cash Back in your wallet.
Here’s how:
- You can refer up to five at a time as many as you want daily, and you can ultimately refer unlimited number of friends.
- Go to your dashboard page where you can find your wallet.
- Select “Refer a Friend”
- You can fill in up to 5 emails at one time and send them to your friends to join.
- Once they have joined, they will be tracked using your own “Referral Code” number, to ensure that you receive Cash Back in your e-wallet, each and every time they buy.
- You can also go to our “How to Refer a Friend” video to see how it works.
- Watch Below…
*Any monies derived from shopping on Amazon can only be converted into Amazon gift Cards.